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The “Levantecon” is the only convention in Italy and Europe able to divulgate in an exclusive and involving way, the themes of Science, Science Fiction and Comics&Games. Contrary to the other monothematic and reserved to insiders conventions, the” Levantecon” thanks to the great professionalism and competence of its divulgators, is able to mix in a unique and exclusive way its three cores by highlighting the strict link between Science and Science Fiction, on one side, and Comics and Art, on the other side. The whole surrounded by wonderful scenographies that won’t miss to catch the attraction of an audicence of all ages and culture. For what regards science, the convention offers attractive from the “Galleria delle Scienze” which includes experiments addressed to everybody(adults and young), themed exhibitions and lessons about space related arguments.

Also, the scientific section provides a “Traveling Planetarium” (a spherical structure which offers a view of the sky at all latitudes), the presence of “ilustrious guests” and “round tables” held by important scientific figures. This section is then completed by the assignment of the “Award for the Best Scientific Divulgator – Galileo Galilei”. Showpiece of the scientific section is the “School Pass”. This project is exclusively designed for the schools occurring in the convention. The Sci-fi section points to two main events: “The Star Trek Nauticon Convention” (the convention dedicated to Star Trek) and the “Gatecon Italia”(the convention dedicated to Stargate).Thanks to their rich scenographies and several events, all the visitors will be able to immerge in the imaginative worlds created by the famous Tv series of “Star Trek” and “Stargate”.

In the Gatecon Italia, in particular, is exposed a Stargate (in the series, a Stargate is “a door between stars”, a big ring able to make people and things travel from one planet to another) of more than 3 metres of diameter, exclusively realized for the Levantecon. A great attractive which will delight not only the Sci-fi fans. The Sci-fi section provides the presence of guests club, themed conferences, projections, important guests and much more. Moreover for the Science fiction is assigned a very important award, the “Premio per il Miglior Divulgatore Fantascientifico – Gene Roddenberry”. Always for the science fiction, inside the Levantecon, there is the “Premio di Letteratura Fantascientifica Giulio Verne”. This is a national award for italian literature which sees the participation of hundreds and hundreds of writers. Also there are round tables which provide the presence of authors, editors and writers from all Italy.

The Comics section is one of the several relevant aspects of the convention. Among the different activities  in this section we find the important award “Cometa – New Talents of Comics and Illustration” with the participation of authors from all Italy. Also we find themed exhibitions, round tables, prestigious guests, role playing and videogames demos, drawing lessons and many other wonderful activities. An important presence in this section are the cosplayers who, with their colorful costumes, participate in a great parade. This and many other events (about 70) make of the Levantecon the biggest and richest “cultural box” existing in Europe. Unique and high quality events, disclosed by an expert staff who is as well always available to the occurred audience.

Furthermore in the Levantecon, every year, are exposed objects of high value and relevance like the Lunar Rover, Buzz Aldrin’s Space Suit, the MPLM module from the International Space Station and so on. The Levantecon is an event organized by “Associazione Culturale Giulio Verne”(important national entity which collaborates, by providing expertise, with several local and national newspapers) in association with the “Astronomical Park Sidereus” and with the support of the club “Star Trek Nautilus”, ”Stargate Italian Club” and “Momiji” (school of Japanese language and culture). The Levantecon and all the events in it contained are totally free to visit and opened to experts and beginners. The events is held inside the Conference Center of the prestigious Sheraton Nicolaus Hotel in Bari.

A journey through science sci-fi comics&games
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